A good piece by Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post, a timely reflection on the current debate on tax rebates and spending cuts. Added cartoon, hyperlinks and some context material regarding budgetary issues and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
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Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis at Gocomic |
The hard-right conservatives who dominate the Republican Party
claim to despise the redistribution of wealth, but secretly they love it
— as long as the process involves depriving the poor and middle class
to benefit the rich, not the other way around.
That is precisely what has been happening, as a jaw-dropping
new report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office demonstrates.
Three decades of trickle-down economic theory, see-no-evil deregulation
and tax-cutting fervor have led to massive redistribution. Another word
for what’s been happening might be theft.
The gist of the CBO study, titled “Trends in the Distribution of Household Income Between 1979 and 2007,”
is that while we’ve become wealthier overall, these new riches have
largely bypassed many Americans and instead flowed mostly to the
affluent. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but I don’t remember voting to
turn the United States into a nation starkly divided between haves and
have-nots. Yet that’s where we’ve been led.
Overall, in
inflation-adjusted dollars, average after-tax household income grew by
62 percent during the period under study, according to the CBO. This
sounds great — but only until you look a little closer.
For those
at the bottom — the one-fifth of households with the lowest incomes —
the increase was just 18 percent. For the middle three-fifths, the
average increase was 40 percent. Spread over nearly 30 years, these
gains are modest, not meteoric.
By contrast, look at the top 1
percent of earners. Their after-tax household income increased by an
astonishing 275 percent. For those keeping track, this means it nearly
quadrupled. Nice work, if you can get it.
This is not what
Republicans want you to think of when you hear the word redistribution.
You’re supposed to imagine the evil masterminds as Bolsheviks, not
bankers. You’re supposed to envision the lazy free-riders who benefit
from redistribution as the “poor,” and the industrious job-creators who
get robbed as the “wealthy” — not the other way around.
Americans were to realize they’ve been the victims of Republican-style
redistribution — stealing from the poor to give to the rich — the whole
political atmosphere might change. I believe that’s one reason why the Occupy Wall Street protests have struck such a nerve. The far-right and
its media mouthpieces have worked themselves into a frenzy trying to
disregard, dismiss or discredit the demonstrations. Thus far,
fortunately, all this effort has been to no avail.
The right maintains that inequality is the wrong measure. To argue about how the income pie should be sliced is “class warfare,”
and what we should do instead is give the private sector the right
incentives to make the pie bigger. This way, according to conservative
doctrine, everyone’s slice gets bigger — even if some slices grow faster
than others.
Indeed, the CBO report says that even the poorest
households saw at least a little income growth. Why is it any of their
business that the high-earners in the top 1 percent saw astronomical
income growth? Isn’t this just sour grapes?
No, for two reasons.
First, the system is rigged. Wealthy individuals and corporations have
disproportionate influence over public policy because of the often
decisive role that money plays in elections. If the rich and powerful
act in their self-interest, as conservative ideologues believe we all
should do, then the rich and powerful’s share of income will continue to
Second, and more broadly, the real issue is what kind of
nation we want to be. Thomas Jefferson’s “All men are created equal” is
properly understood as calling for equality of opportunity, not equality
of outcomes. But the more we become a nation of rich and poor, the less
we can pretend to be offering the same opportunities to every American.
As polarization increases, mobility declines. The whole point of the
American Dream is that it is available to everyone, not just those who
awaken from their slumbers on down-filled pillows and 800-thread-count
So it does matter that as the pie grows, the various
slices do not grow in proportion. We’re not characters in one of those
lumbering, interminable, nonsensical Ayn Rand novels. We believe in
individual initiative and the free market, but we also believe that
nationhood necessarily involves a commitment to our fellow citizens, an
acknowledgment that we’re engaged in a common enterprise. We believe
that opportunity should be more than just an empty word.
More on the issue
In the blog

- Why We Support #OccupyWallStreet. Move on. Democracy in Action October 11
- Congressional Millionaires To Weigh Obama's Proposed 'Buffett Rule' Michael Beckel on September 20, 201 OpenSecrets.org Centre for Responsive Politics
- Fierce crackdown on 'Occupy Oakland' protest Jesse Strauss October 28th Al-Jazeera
In the blog
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