Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Update of the Videos page

We have finally put some order in the videos section of the blog. After editing and discarding some of the material posted since 2011 you will find an eclectic selection of short videos and longer features related to those issues we care about. Comme c’est le cas avec le blog vous y trouverez de matériel en Anglais, Français, Catalan et Castillan.

"Speak Rich in Tabernaque" Texte de Marie-Christine Lemieux-Couture, récité par Katia Gagnon au parc Émilie-Gamelin, le 25 avril 2012. Uploader  EdgarBlaar

 Hem intentat  que hi hagues una certa coherencia entre els videos i el material que hem anat pujant, de manera a il.lustrar situacions sovint complexes i allunyades dels mitjans massius de comunicacio. Seguimos editando (subiendo textos y fuentes) el material que tenemos en Onada Expansiva Redux. No podremos subir nuevo material hasta el mes de Junio. Tras el cierre del primer canal de Onada Expansiva en youtube por temas de copyright nos tomamos en serio los avisos.

In English language videos, you will find, among other features,  the 2004 John Pilger documentary War on Democracy  on US interventions worldwide in the last 50 years (you can also find it here with further info and references) , two Al-Jazzera pieces; firstly, a 2010 Inside Story investigation  on the territory known as Somaliland and its de facto independence from Somalia which was the focus of this post, in Catalan.Secondly, a 2012 Fault Lines emission on the growing collaboration between the United States and the Honduran regime in the context of the War on Drugs, an issue that was addressed here, in Spanish. In short format there is the DC Douglas "Why #OccupyWallStreet? 4 Reasons” which would link to the Eugene Robinson piece Democracy and redistribution of wealth. We have also included an urgent action issued by Amnesty International in August 2012 on behalf of Sri Lanka’s journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda whose whereabouts are still unknown, like another unsuccessful urgent action we reported here on behalf of Troy Davies executed by US authorities despite doubts regarding his culpability; finally we have also included the trailer of The Brussels Business a documentary on the inner workings of lobbies and interest groups at the heart of the European bureaucracy which complements well this post in Spanish on revolving doors.

 El sociólogo Manuel Castells en #acampadabcn (27/05/2011), Plaza de Cataluña. Charla titulada "Comunicación, poder y democracia" grabada por Vilaweb y subida por Christian Hdez

Pour ce qui est du matériel en français on a du bien partager le poème "Speak Rich in Tabernaque" de Marie-Christine Lemieux-Couture a propos du mouvement étudiant québécois Printemps Erable qu’ on a recensé  ici et le documentaire (en cinc parties) «La Bataille de Malville» de Patrice Morel  sur mobilisations contre la construction d'une méga-centrale nucléaire ("Superphénix") et le rôle qui y ont joué les groupes autonomes dont on avait parlé ici; opposition a un projet d’ infrastructures de douteuse utilité comme celui de NDLLEn catala hem inclos el video “Que la por cambii de bandol”   relacionat amb els moviments de resistencia i resposta dels ultims anys a l’ Estat Espanyol, descrits en part aquí i de forma mes general aquí. En castellano hemos subido dos videos centrados en la realidad colombiana, una entrevista con el ex-ministro de medio ambiente Manuel Rodríguez Becerra ilustrada por el comportamiento de las mineras en el pais y una cronica sobre l@s indignados en Bogota relacionable con este post ya mencionado.  Finalmente hemos includio una conferencia del sociólogo Manuel Castells en Plaza Catalunya en 2011 relacionable con la Universidad Indignada.

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